Removal of Trespassers Intending to Reside on Land

There have been votes in Parliament on the circumstances, in England, in which the police can order trespassers intending to reside on land to leave.

Jim Shannon voted a mixture of for and against making it easier to remove those trespassing on land with an intent to reside there

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Major votes

  • On 5 Gor 2021: Jim Shannon was absent for a vote on Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Clause 62 — Offence Relating to Residing on Land Without Consent in or With a Vehicle Show vote
  • On 5 Gor 2021: Jim Shannon wedi pleidleisio in favour of range of changes to the law related to crime and policing including: greater restrictions on protests; criminalising residing on land without consent with a vehicle; reform of the caution system to include conditions associated with a caution; regulation of extraction of data from electronic devices voluntarily provided by users; increased sentences for various crimes; and to enable ministers to refer certain prisoners to the parole board rather than automatically releasing them when their release is due. Show vote
  • On 16 Maw 2021: Jim Shannon wedi pleidleisio against a range of changes to the law related to crime and policing including: greater restrictions on protests; criminalising residing on land without consent with a vehicle; reform of the caution system to include conditions associated with a caution; regulation of extraction of data from electronic devices voluntarily provided by users; increased sentences for various crimes; and to enable ministers to refer certain prisoners to the parole board rather than automatically releasing them when their release is due. Show vote
  • On 16 Maw 2021: Jim Shannon was absent for a vote on Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill — Second Reading Show vote

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