Gerry Sutcliffe

Cyn Llafur MP ar gyfer Bradford South

Jobs Guarantee for Young People

There have been votes in Parliament on if the Government should fund guaranteed jobs for young people.

Photo: HelenCobain

Gerry Sutcliffe almost always voted for

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Major votes

  • On 12 Meh 2014: Gerry Sutcliffe was absent for a vote on Queen's Speech — The Economy and Living Standards Show vote
  • On 27 Tach 2013: Gerry Sutcliffe wedi pleidleisio for an energy price freeze; for long term reforms to the energy market; for more free childcare for working parents of three and four year olds; for action to boost the housing supply and for a compulsory jobs guarantee for young people and the long term unemployed. Show vote
  • On 4 Med 2013: Gerry Sutcliffe wedi pleidleisio to call on the government to get more people into work, bring forward capital investment, introduce a compulsory jobs guarantee, reintroduce a 10% rate of income tax paid for by a mansion tax, act on "rip off" rail fares and soaring energy costs, stand up for families in the private rented sector, reform pensions, curb payday lenders, and reform banking, planning and the skills system. Show vote
  • On 15 Mai 2013: Gerry Sutcliffe wedi pleidleisio in favour of a package of economic policies including bringing forward long-term infrastructure investment, building 100,000 affordable homes, and guaranteeing jobs for the long term unemployed. Show vote
  • On 17 Mai 2012: Gerry Sutcliffe wedi pleidleisio for measures to stimulate economic growth and job creation; for a tax on bank bonuses to fund guaranteed jobs for young people out of work for over a year; to reduce VAT; for a tax break for small firms taking on extra workers and to make infrastructure investment sooner. Show vote
  • On 17 Mai 2012: Gerry Sutcliffe wedi pleidleisio to create jobs; to tax bank bonuses to fund guaranteed jobs for young people out of work for a year; to cut VAT; to give a tax break to small firms taking on more workers and to make infrastructure investment sooner. Show vote
  • On 14 Rha 2011: Gerry Sutcliffe wedi pleidleisio to create 100,000 jobs and build 25,000 homes using funds raised via a bank bonus tax, to reduce VAT on home improvements and for tax breaks for small firms taking on new workers. Show vote
  • On 9 Tach 2011: Gerry Sutcliffe wedi pleidleisio to introduce a tax on bank bonuses to guarantee a job for 100,000 young people and build 25,000 affordable homes; to make investment sooner; to reducing VAT, and to introduce a tax break for small firms taking on extra workers. Show vote
  • On 12 Hyd 2011: Gerry Sutcliffe wedi pleidleisio to create more jobs for young people, funded by bank bonuses, to make planned investment sooner, to reduce VAT and for a tax break for small firms taking on extra workers. Show vote

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