Mr John Major

Cyn Ceidwadwyr MP ar gyfer Huntingdon

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr John Major is a former MP for Huntingdon.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation 12 Mar 2001

    "Education, education, education" was originally a cry from Lenin, who did not mean it. I suspect that the Secretary of State, who has just left, does mean it. He is sincere and, in his unavoidable absence, I should like to congratulate him on graciously adopting some of the: proposals of my hon. Friend the Member for Maidenhead (Mrs. May), who is shadow Secretary of State. That behaviour is...
  • Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation 12 Mar 2001

    If it is nonsense, it is Red Book nonsense. Those figures come from the Red Book. Before the hon. Gentleman mutters into his non-existent beard, he should read the Red Book and check. It is possible that the Chancellor has given us more duff facts; we are used to that. However, if they are duff, that is his responsibility, not mine. There are 2 million more taxpayers and 700,000 more...
  • Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation 12 Mar 2001

    The hon. Gentleman ought to know that his Chancellor changed the way in which the figures are quoted in the Red Book, and the actual equivalent of what he has done is an extra 10p on tax The hon. Gentleman may care to examine that matter. [Interruption.] If it is nonsense, it is the Government's nonsense in the Government's own figures. Those are the figures that I am using. I am glad to hear...

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