Ms Tess Kingham

Cyn Llafur MP ar gyfer Gloucester

About your former Member of Parliament

Ms Tess Kingham is a former MP for Gloucester.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Cystic Fibrosis 16 Jan 2001

    I am grateful to have the opportunity of raising the important issue of the screening of babies in the first few weeks of life to detect cystic fibrosis. As cystic fibrosis is a bit of tongue-twister, I will refer to it as CF for the rest of this debate. I first became aware of CF through my mother-in-law Della Luetchford who worked as a physiotherapist, specialising in the treatment of CF...
  • Oral Answers to Questions — International Development: Burundi 22 Nov 2000

    This morning I had a very enjoyable breakfast with the World Service and heard about the World Service's Great Lakes lifeline project, a regular radio broadcast in Burundi that is funded by the Department for International Development. Does my right hon. Friend believe that such radio broadcasts can contribute to the peace-building process in Burundi, and will we continue to fund...
  • Sierra Leone 6 Jun 2000

    For any peace in Sierra Leone to be lasting, it is obviously crucial that ex-combatants, especially children, be reintegrated successfully back into society. Many of the ex-combatants will be traumatised and will have psychological problems, because of the nature of the conflict. They will not have livelihoods, or even communities, to return to. What is being done to ensure that those people...

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