Dame Cheryl Gillan

Cyn Ceidwadwyr MP ar gyfer Chesham and Amersham

@CherylGillanMP https://facebook.com/cherylgillanmp

25 Maw 2021

  • On 25 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan was absent for a vote on Coronavirus Act 2020 (Review of Temporary Provisions) (No.2) Show vote

22 Maw 2021

  • On 22 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio to prohibit the owners of buildings containing two or more sets of domestic premises from passing on the costs of legally required fire safety improvements to leaseholders and tenants. Show vote
  • On 22 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan was absent for a vote on Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Trade Agreements and Genocide — Parliamentary Judicial Committee Show vote
  • On 22 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan was absent for a vote on Trade Bill — After Clause 2 — Trade Agreements and Genocide — Parliamentary Judicial Committee Show vote

17 Maw 2021

  • On 17 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio against expressing a series of views including that leaving the European Union has disproven the perceived benefits of leaving the union and that immigration plays a positive role in society. Show vote
  • On 17 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio to say it would be irresponsible to hold a referendum in Scotland at the moment. Show vote
  • On 17 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio to say the House of Commons had considered the upcoming Scottish Parliamentary general election and Scotland’s right to choose its constitutional future. Show vote

16 Maw 2021

  • On 16 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio in favour of range of changes to the law related to crime and policing including: greater restrictions on protests; criminalising residing on land without consent with a vehicle; reform of the caution system to include conditions associated with a caution; regulation of extraction of data from electronic devices voluntarily provided by users; increased sentences for various crimes; and to enable ministers to refer certain prisoners to the parole board rather than automatically releasing them when their release is due. Show vote
  • On 16 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio in favour of a range of changes to the law related to crime and policing including: greater restrictions on protests; criminalising residing on land without consent with a vehicle; reform of the caution system to include conditions associated with a caution; regulation of extraction of data from electronic devices voluntarily provided by users; increased sentences for various crimes; and to enable ministers to refer certain prisoners to the parole board rather than automatically releasing them when their release is due. Show vote

11 Maw 2021

  • On 11 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio against regular reports on spending from the Contingencies Fund. Show vote

9 Maw 2021

  • On 9 Maw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio to enable both the income level above which income-tax is charged, and the threshold for paying income tax at the higher rate to be kept at the levels set for 2021-2022 rather than allowing them to increase with inflation. Show vote

24 Chw 2021

  • On 24 Chw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio to ensure consideration of a motion appointing MPs to the Select Committee on the Armed Forces Bill. Show vote
  • On 24 Chw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio to allow the owners of buildings containing two or more sets of domestic premises to pass on the costs of legally required fire safety improvements to leaseholders and tenants. Show vote
  • On 24 Chw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio not to require the owner or manager of a building containing two or more sets of domestic premises to: provide information about its external walls to the local fire service; inspect individual flat entrance doors annually; inspect lifts monthly and report faults to the local fire service; and share evacuation and fire safety instructions with residents of the building. Show vote

23 Chw 2021

  • On 23 Chw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan was absent for a vote on Coronavirus: Supporting Businesses and Individuals Show vote
  • On 23 Chw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan was absent for a vote on Government's Management of the Economy Show vote

10 Chw 2021

  • On 10 Chw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio for increased data sharing for the purposes of enforcement of COVID-19 self-isolation regulations and for a new "large gathering offence" applying to those attending an indoor gathering of more than fifteen people in a private home or education accommodation, or an indoor rave. Show vote

9 Chw 2021

  • On 9 Chw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio to require international trade agreements to be consistent with maintaining the NHS and the UK's levels of legal protection for human, animal or plant life or health, the environment, employment and labour, data and children and vulnerable adults online. Show vote
  • On 9 Chw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio against Parliamentary consideration of genocide by parties, or prospective parties, to trade agreements. Show vote
  • On 9 Chw 2021: Dame Cheryl Gillan wedi pleidleisio not to require Parliamentary approval of negotiating objectives for international trade agreements, and not to require Parliament to actively approve international trade agreements prior to their ratification. Show vote

As a result of COVID-19, some MPs were less able to vote in Parliament in certain periods, and this will be reflected by absences in their voting record.

11th May to 2nd June 2020

All MPs could vote remotely through an online voting tool. Votes cast remotely are shown as normal on the TheyWorkForYou voting record.

2nd to 9th June 2020

The option of online voting was removed, and a number of MPs may have been unable to vote because they were not physically able to attend.

10th June 2020 onwards

The requirements on proxy voting were relaxed, allowing MPs to designate another MP to cast a vote on their behalf.

If an MP votes by proxy, it is effectively exactly the same as if they cast the vote in person and it shows up on their TheyWorkForYou voting record.

MPs are not required to designate a proxy, and may instead pair with an opposing MP to miss a vote. Parliament does not record when two MPs have come to a pairing arrangement, so on TheyWorkForYou, they will both appear to have been absent for the vote.

See more detail on votes during the COVID-19 period here.

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