Mr Jamie Cann

Cyn Llafur MP ar gyfer Ipswich

About your former Member of Parliament

Mr Jamie Cann is a former MP for Ipswich.

What you can do

Ymddangosiadau diweddar

  • Election of Speaker 23 Oct 2000

    I beg to move, as an amendment to the Question, to leave out "Mr. Michael J. Martin" and insert instead thereof "Mr. John McWilliam". My hon. Friend the Member for Blaydon (Mr. McWilliam) became an MP in 1979. I arrived rather later, in 1992, and bumped into him almost immediately. He befriended me and became my mentor; he taught me all I know—not much, some would say, but he did his...
  • Defence White Paper 28 Feb 2000

    Conservative Members have talked about capability. I believe that the strategic defence review and the White Paper have led to a capability that we have not had for many years, and certainly for two decades: the ability to be on the ground in brigades, serviced and covered by air, in two different theatres for six months at a time. The overstretch caused by Northern Ireland has prevented that...
  • Orders of the Day — Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 25 Jan 1999

    My speech will be both briefer and less popular than most that I have heard tonight. Essentially, in the Bill we are being asked to accept by the gay lobby—by Outrage! of course, and by Stonewall in a more measured way—that homosexuality is equal in value to heterosexuality in our society. I do not believe that to be the case and, therefore, I cannot vote for the Bill and I shall tell the...

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