Sinn Féin MLA ar gyfer Belfast South
Aeth i mewn i'r Cynulliad ar 11 Ionawr 2020 — appointed
I welcome this important conversation. As with our daytime economy, we need to look at the issues in terms of the wider regeneration of our city centre in order to unlock its full potential at night-time and throughout the day. We all want a safe, connected, inclusive and vibrant city centre in which people can live, work and socialise as well as visit. Therefore, collaboration and a...
I welcome the fact that you are meeting the associations tomorrow, Minister, on legal aid. You said that a 16% uplift will be provided. Will you give the detail on when?
Thanks very much, Minister. Under the housing selection scheme that you mentioned in your statement, the succession of tenancy policy has seen an increase in evictions and homelessness, particularly in the Belfast area, in recent times. A recent High Court case actually ruled in favour of a tenant whom the Housing Executive was trying to evict. In light of those incidents, will the Minister...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Deirdre Hargey
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