Social Democratic and Labour Party MLA ar gyfer South Down
Social Democratic and Labour Party MLA ar gyfer South Down
Aeth i mewn i'r Cynulliad ar 7 Mai 2016 — Etholiad
Thank you very much, Madam Principal Deputy Speaker. What a lovely, edifying debate to wake us all up on a Tuesday morning. As stated by Nuala McAllister at the beginning of the debate, the motion essentially addresses a straightforward, technical matter. The motion is consistent with the resolution that the Assembly made in June 2020. Taken together, the motion and the resolution will allow...
Thank you very much, Madam Principal Deputy Speaker. Of course, you correctly, at regular times, try to keep Members on the subject matter. Some seem to stray completely. A basic of parliamentary process is being able to stick to the matter at hand. The scrutiny of the Bill in the weeks ahead will allow further debate on those matters through the different approaches that have been taken....
Not necessarily, but we need to tease that out if we have conversations. I wish that we were at least having conversations. If we are to effectively transform the health service and bring it to a place of genuine stability, it must be a continuous, proactive and strategic process. The Minister tells us that he does not have enough money to transform the health service, but the other Executive...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Colin McGrath
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