Opposition parties have a crucial role in any parliamentary democracy in scrutinising policies and, when necessary, proposing alternative ones. An effective Opposition is to everyone's benefit. Unfortunately, on the 1st anniversary of the restoration of the Executive and the Assembly, the motion falls short of what I would expect from a constructive Opposition. I will focus my initial remarks...
One of the perks of reaching my stage of life is that you have earned the privilege of freely using the phrase, "Back in the day". Back in the day, the opportunity to put a few bob on a horse meant a journey to the local bookies, and every town had at least one. The punter could gamble only the meagre hard cash that they had in their pocket. Now, placing a bet is as easy as pushing a few...
8. Mr Chambers asked the Minister of Health for his assessment of the impact of ceasing agency recruitment for social workers. (AQO 1429/22-27)
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Alan Chambers
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