T8. Mr K Buchanan asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs whether he has any broad indication of the damage that has been done to forest parks across Northern Ireland and not just in Mid Ulster, in light of the devastation that we have seen, including at Pomeroy and Drum Manor, which the Minister visited. (AQT 988/22-27)
What is the plan and the timeline for that? I appreciate that it is a big task, but a lot of parks are shut, and obviously we have lost a lot of trees. I appreciate that they do not grow overnight, but what is the plan to get them replanted and get the parks open?
4. Mr K Buchanan asked the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to provide an update on the rural halls refurbishment scheme. (AQO 1483/22-27)
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Keith Buchanan
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