DUP MLA ar gyfer Lagan Valley, Cyn DUP MP am Belfast South
Aeth i mewn i'r Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 9 Mehefin 2017 — Etholiad cyffredinol
Gadawodd y Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar 6 Tachwedd 2019 — Wedi'i ddiddymu ar gyfer etholiad
Aeth i mewn i'r Cynulliad ar 28 Medi 2015 — appointed
Also represented Belfast South
I thank the Member for his question. We are one year in, and we have a determination to deliver against those key priorities. That must mean a reduction in health service waiting lists. We understand that there has been a small reduction across a number of those health waiting lists, but it is not enough. We know that it is unacceptable that too many people have been on those health waiting...
As I outlined, waiting lists have already begun to fall across a number of areas. More must be done, however, and it must be done more quickly. We will do everything that we can to support the Minister of Health. He is bringing forward further plans and proposals, some of which are being discussed in what they can do. We are discussing with the Finance Minister and across the Executive not...
I do not know the specific details of what she is talking about, but I understand that she may be referring to a proposal from the former Minister of Finance about alternative funding mechanisms for North/South bodies. I assure the Member that those things have all been previously discussed and agreed. There is a careful balance in all those things, and the balance in the contribution, North...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Emma Little-Pengelly
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