I thank the Member for his intervention. It is my intention that we will continue with test purchasing. We will continue to monitor it and ensure that we employ best practice. I am not saying that test purchasing activity will not change, but, if it does, it should be changed on the basis of evidence that shows that we can do it a little bit better than we are doing at the moment. Today is a...
Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, and thanks, of course, to everybody who has taken part in the debate. What I found pleasing was not just that we were almost unanimous, with the exception of People Before Profit, in supporting the legislative consent motion but that people were not prepared to simply let it go through on the nod, and everybody made significant and considered contributions to the...
I beg to move That this Assembly endorses the principle of Northern Ireland's inclusion in the UK Tobacco and Vapes Bill to introduce a progressive smoking ban across the UK and to stop vapes and other nicotine products being branded and advertised to appeal to children, insofar as the provisions of that Bill relate to matters falling within the legislative competence of the Northern Ireland...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Mike Nesbitt
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