Sinn Féin MLA ar gyfer Newry and Armagh
Aeth i mewn i'r Cynulliad ar 9 Mawrth 2007 — election
Minister, what steps is your Department taking to improve active travel?
I beg to move That this Assembly notes with great concern the lack of capacity within mental health services to meet the needs of those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); further notes the lack of specialist interventions available for autistic individuals; affirms that mental health support is vital for many on the autism spectrum; and calls on the Minister of Health to bring forward plans...
I welcome the opportunity to speak once again on behalf of the autism community and those on the autism spectrum. The Assembly passed the Autism Act 2011 and the Autism (Amendment) Act 2022 under the sponsorship of past chairpersons of the all-party group (APG) on autism. It thus acknowledged that the service and support needs of autistic individuals were unique and that measures to address...
Mwy o ymddangosiadau diweddar Cathal Boylan
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