Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Clause 11 — number and distribution of seats

Division number 106 – in the House of Commons on 1 Tachwedd 2010.

Rhif adran 106 Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill — Clause 11 — number and distribution of seats

A majority of MPs agreed and wedi pleidleisio against a provision which would ensure a whole number of MPs would represent each of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Anglesey, Argyll and Bute, the Highland Council area and the Isle of Wight.

Ie: 257 MPs

Na: 315 MPs

Ie: A-Z fesul cyfenw


Na: A-Z fesul cyfenw


Absennol: 74 MPs

Absennol: A-Z fesul cyfenw