Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill — Clause 1 — NHS foundation trusts

Division number 381 – in the House of Commons on 19 Tachwedd 2003.

Rhif adran 381 Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill — Clause 1 — NHS foundation trusts

A majority of MPs wedi pleidleisio in favour of introducing NHS foundation trusts, bodies with a degree of financial and managerial independence from the Department of Health.

Ie: 301 MPs

Na: 284 MPs

Ie: A-Z fesul cyfenw


Na: A-Z fesul cyfenw


Absennol: 69 MPs

Wedi ymatal: 1 MP

Absennol: A-Z fesul cyfenw

Wedi ymatal: A-Z fesul cyfenw