Petitions – in the House of Commons am 10:04 pm ar 2 Mawrth 2010.
I should like to present a petition that has been organised by Mr. Brian Cheney of the Wollaston road residents and road users group, who went out in the most inclement weather to get 543 signatures.
The petition states:
The Humble Petition of Residents of Irchester, Northamptonshire and the surrounding areas.
Sheweth that there is a problem with speeding traffic through Irchester, welcomes the efforts of local councillors, council officers and the police in devising road calming measures; that the Petitioners support the mini roundabout, the vehicle-activated signs, the police enforcement scheme and other measures; but that the Petitioners have reservations about the chicanes on the Wollaston Road; and notes that a survey of 543 people showed that the majority wanted revised traffic-calming in Wollaston Road.
Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House urges the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to request that Northamptonshire County Council in conjunction with the Borough Council of Wellingborough and Irchester Parish Council, review the chicanes in Wollaston Road to see whether alternative or revised traffic-calming measures are necessary.
And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c.