Opencast Mining (Rigside)

Part of Petition – in the House of Commons am 12:12 am ar 22 Ionawr 1991.

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Photo of Jimmy Hood Jimmy Hood , Clydesdale 12:12, 22 Ionawr 1991

I wish to present this petition on behalf of the community of Rigside, a small village in my constituency, which objects to the imposition of a public inquiry by the Secretary of State for Scotland to again consider the planning application of L. A. W. Mining Company to mine opencast on the Townhead site near Rigside.

The Clydesdale district council unanimously rejected this application in the first instance, but was overruled by the Secretary of State for Scotland, and the court in Edinburgh ruled that his decision to overrule the council's objection was flawed and in breach of planning law. In presenting this petition, I express my full support to the local community of Rigside, and in particular the Rigside community council, for their unstinting efforts to prevent such a disastrous development.

I commend the petition to the House. It reads: To the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled.The Humble Petition of the people of Rigside and others sheweth.That the Community of Rigside is opposed to L. A. W. Mining planned extraction of fire clay and coal by open cast method at Townhead Farm in its midst.That a clear reason for refusal of planning permission for this development has been identified during Court of Session proceedings.That the planned development is unreasonable when National Guidelines are observed.That it were an ill precedent for future development in this valley, with its high reserves of coal and rich with its mining tradition, should instance of this sort of mineral extraction be approved.Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House now seek a determination from the Secretary of State for Scotland in acknowledgement of the Judges' findings without recourse to further inquiry.And your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray. I beg leave to present the petition.

To lie upon the Table.