
– in the House of Commons am 12:00 am ar 30 Hydref 1969.

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[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]

Photo of Dr Horace King Dr Horace King , Southampton, Itchen

There are nine Motions on the Order Paper in the name of the Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means. These Motions are entirely formal, consisting of statistics intended to help hon.

respecting application of Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of Debate) during Session 1968–69 (1) in the House and in Committee of the whole House, under the following heads:—

Date when Closure claimed, and by whomQuestion before House or Committee when claimedWhether in House or CommitteeWhether assent given to Motion or withheld by Speaker or ChairmanAssent withheld because in the Chair, a decision would shortly be arrived at without that MotionResult or Motion and, if a Division,Number for and against.

and (2) in the Standing Committees under the following heads:—

Date when Closure claimed, and by whomQuestion before Committee when claimedWhether assent given to Motion or withheld by ChairmanAssent withheld because, in the opinion of the Chair, a decision would shortly be arrived at without that MotionResult of Motion and, if a Division, Numbers for and against.