Oral Answers to Questions — Local Government – in the House of Commons am 12:00 am ar 14 Gorffennaf 1964.
asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs if, in view of the recent decision of the High Court that a rectory house is to be deemed an ecclesiastical building and is therefore excluded, under Section 30(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1962 from those classes of buildings on which building perservation orders may be made, he will introduce amending legislation which will enable him to make preservation orders on ecclesiastical buildings of special historic or architectural interest.
Since the exemption operates only while the building is in use for ecclesiastical purposes, my right hon. Friend is not clear that any difficulty is likely to arise.
Is that not rather a vague Answer? While it may be true that no difficulty is likely to arise because we can assume, for example, that the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's would not be so wicked as to pull down the Deanery and sell the site to a developer, is it not a fact that if they wished to do so, or if something similar were to happen, the right hon. Gentleman would now have no legal way of preventing it?
A vague Question almost invariably gets a vague Answer. However, I understand the situation to be that, in order to circumvent the position, the Ecclesisastical Commissioners or some other Church body would virtually have to knock the house down as the parson walked out of the door; and although an unlikely happening, I will discuss this matter with the Church authorities.
Since the Joint Parliamentary Secretary likes precision and not vagueness, will he take note of the fact that my Question was a very exact one and asked for amending legislation, with precise references, and will he also note that they are not called "The Ecclesiastical Commissioners" but "The Church Commissioners"?
Hon. Members:
Mr. MacColI:
When discussing this matter with the ecclesiastical authorities—[HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."]—and I use the expression "ecclesiastical authorities" in general terms and not referring specifically a particular body—would the Joint Parliamentary Secretary also have discussions with his right hon. Friend the Minister for Public Building and Works to find out what effect the decision has had on the eligibility of parsonage houses for the historic buildings grant, since this affects their preservation?
Yes. I will certainly take that into account.