– in the House of Commons am 12:00 am ar 18 Mehefin 1964.
(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations whether he will make a statement on the arrest in Lagos yesterday of Dr. Victor Allen.
Dr. V. L. Allen, who is on a visit to Nigeria, was arrested on Tuesday evening, and formally charged yesterday in the Lagos Chief Magistrate's Court under Section 63 of the Nigerian Criminal Code, with the offence of managing or assisting in the management of an unlawful society.
Dr. Allen was remanded in custody until 1st July. He has been visited by a member of the British High Commission which has despatched telegrams to his family and to Leeds University and are arranging legal representation for him.
Our High Commission will be keeping in close touch with the progress of this case and will do everything possible to ensure that Dr. Allen's interests are safeguarded.
I should add that my hon. Friend the Member for Leeds, North-West (Sir D. Kaberry) has already been in touch with me as Dr. Allen is one of his constituents.
May we have an assurance that everything will be done to see that Dr. Allen has the freest possible access to his legal adviser? His family lives in my constituency. He was my constituent before he went to Leeds. I saw his father last night and I have spoken to his wife. I believe that I am fully entitled, therefore, to raise this matter.
May I also ask that when the present period of remand comes to an end representation may be made that he should be allowed bail? Will the Minister accept my assurance that those who know Dr. Allen and his family very well indeed would vouch absolutely for his personal integrity, and that bail to any reasonable amount would be forthcoming?
Certainly, the High Commission will do all that it possibly can to help Mr. Allen, but as the case is sub judice I do no think that the House would wish me to make any further comment.