Nuclear Power Stations

Oral Answers to Questions — Electricity – in the House of Commons am 12:00 am ar 12 Tachwedd 1956.

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Photo of Mr William Warbey Mr William Warbey , Ashfield 12:00, 12 Tachwedd 1956

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he is now in a position to state the Government's proposals for an expansion and acceleration of the nuclear power programme.

Photo of Mr Aubrey Jones Mr Aubrey Jones , Birmingham, Hall Green

As I explained to the hon. Member on 29th October, the tenders for the first stations have only recently been received by the Central Electricity Authority. I have asked that their examination shall be carried out with all possible expedition, but until it has been completed no exact reassessment of the programme is possible.

Photo of Mr William Warbey Mr William Warbey , Ashfield

Will the Minister agree that the White Paper—A Programme of Nuclear Power—produced 21 months ago, is now completely out of date in the light both of the tremendous scientific and technical progress made since then and of this country's growing need to replace uncertain oil supplies; and can he say when he hopes to be able to make a statement on this matter.

Photo of Mr Aubrey Jones Mr Aubrey Jones , Birmingham, Hall Green

Yes, Sir, I do agree that the White Paper of February, 1955, is out of date on both the grounds mentioned by the hon. Gentleman, and I hope that before long, shall I say by the end of the year, I shall be in a position to announce more precisely a revision of the programme.