Oral Answers to Questions — Germany – in the House of Commons am 12:00 am ar 22 Tachwedd 1948.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what assistance in the shape of planes, equipment and personnel has been given to the Transjordan Government in connection with the recent formation of a Transjordan Air Force, as announced by the Transjordan authorities on 1st November, 1948.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many planes and other aviation equipment have been sent to the Government of Transjordan from 29th May, 1948, to 15th July, 1948, and from 15th July, 1948, to date; and for what purpose.
The answer is "None, Sir." Permission was given to Arab Airways, before the embargo resolution, to export a number of small civil passenger aircraft and spare engines.
Does that mean that the statement that was officially made in Transjordan, that there is now an air force, is not correct?
I believe that the term "air arm" was used by King Abdullah, but to which aircraft it referred, I do not know.