Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am 12:00 am ar 22 Ebrill 1948.
There is no demand for working out this plan. This plan cannot be worked out just by our Government here; it would have to be worked out by all the Dominion Governments. They all know they cannot get the people waiting to go to them, and they have no interest in working out this plan in detail. There has been no governmental approach to His Majesty's Government here from any of the Dominion Governments.
The inter-availability of social services is one of the matters which has been discussed between the Governments of the Commonwealth, and, although the details will be extremely difficult to work out, the principle has been accepted all round now that social services should be made available between countries within the Commonwealth. I wholly agree with many of the points raised by the hon. Member, but with one in particular, namely, that this is not only a question of Governments and for Governments. For instance, the inter-changeability of trade union tickets is something into which Governments should not put their fingers, but should be settled by trades unions. The suggestion that when Members of Parliament of the various Commonwealth Parliaments meet they should discuss this subject among others, is admirable.
It seemed to me that my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Great Yarmouth went a little wide of the main subject of the Debate, and I do not think he will want me to follow him in detail, in these last few minutes, into the possibility of making the Commonwealth one country, and so on. So far as he talked about emigration, which is the real subject of the Debate, I hope he will find that what I have said is reasonable and satisfactory. We ourselves are not satisfied; we shall not be satisfied until we have the shipping that will carry all these people overseas. I beg the House not to think it is due to any indifference on the part of the Government; it is due only to the loss of ships which the Germans sank during the war; nothing else is holding up the proper flow of emigrants to the Commonwealth.