Business of the House

– in the House of Commons am 12:00 am ar 29 Gorffennaf 1947.

Danfonwch hysbysiad imi am ddadleuon fel hyn

Motion made, and Question put, That this day, notwithstanding anything in Standing Order No. 14, Business other than the Business of Supply may be taken before Ten o'clock and that the Proceedings on

Government Business be exempted, at this day's Sitting, from the provisions of the Standing Order (Sittings of the House)."—[Mr. Herbert Morrison.]

The House divided: Ayes, 251; Noes, 109.

Division No. 342.]AYES.[3.30 p.m.
Adams, W. T. (Hammersmith, South)Fletcher, E. G. M (Islington, E.)Marshall, F. (Brightside)
Allen, A. C. (Bosworth)Foot, M. M.Mathers, G.
Allen, Scholefield (Crewe)Forman, J. C.Medland, H. M.
Alpass, J. H.Fraser, T. (Hamilton)Melish, R. J.
Anderson, A. (Motherwell)Gallacher, W.Middleton, Mrs. L
Attewell, H C.Ganley, Mrs C. S.Mikardo, Ian
Attlee, Rt. Hon. C. R.George, Lady M. Lloyd (Anglesey)Mitchison, G. R
Awbery, S. S.Gilzean, A.Moody, A S.
Ayles, W. H.Glanville, J. E. (Consett)Morley, R.
Ayrton Gould, Mrs. BGreenwood, A. V. J. (Heywood)Morris, Lt.-Col. H. (Sheffield, C.)
Bacon, Miss A.Grenfell, D. RMorris, P. (Swansea, W.)
Balfour, A.Grey, C. F.Morris, Hopkin (Carmarthen)
Barton, C.Grierson, E.Morrison, Rt. Hon. H (Lewisham, E.)
Battley, J. R.Griffiths, D. (Rother Valley)Mort, D. L.
Bechervaise, A. E.Guest, Dr L HadenMoyle, A.
Belcher, J. W.Gunter, R JMurray, J. D.
Bellenger, Rt. Hon. F J.Guy, W. H.Nally, W.
Benson, G.Haire, John E. (Wycombe)Neal, H. (Claycross)
Beswick, F.Hall, W. G.Nichol, Mrs. M. E. (Bradford, N.)
Bing, G H. C.Hamilton, Lieut.-Col. RNicholls, H. R. (Stratford)
Binns, J.Hardy, E. A.Noel-Baker, capt. F. E. (Brentford)
Blackburn, A. R.Harrison, J.Noel-Buxton, Lady
Blyton, W. R.Henderson, A. (Kingswinford)Oldfield, W. H.
Boardman, H.Henderson, Joseph (Ardwick)Orbach, M.
Bowles, F. G. (Nuneaton)Herbison, Miss M.Paget, R. T
Braddock, Mrs. E. M. (L'pl, Exch'ge)Hicks GPaling, Will T. (Dewsbury)
Bramall, E. A.Holman, P.Parkin, B. T.
Brook, D. (Halifax)House, G.Pearson, A.
Brooks, T. J. (Rothwell)Hoy, J.Poole, Major Cecil (Lichfield)
Brown, George (Belper)Hudson, J. H. (Ealing, W.)Porter, G. (Leeds)
Brown, T. J, (Ince)Hughes, Hector (Aberdeen, N.)Price, M. Philips
Buchanan, G.Hutchinson, H. L. (Rusholme)Pritt, D. N.
Burden, T. W.Hynd, H. (Hackney, C.)Proctor, W T
Butler, H. W. (Hackney, S.)Hynd, J B. (Attercliffe)Pryde, D. J
Byers, FrankIrving, W. J.Randall, H E
Carmichael, JamesJanner, B.Ranger, J.
Champion, A. J.Jeger, G. (Winchester)Rankin, J
Chetwynd, G. R.Jones, Rt. Hon. A. C. (Shipley)Rees-Williams, D. R.
Cluse, W. S.Jones, D. T. (Hartlepools)Reeves, J
Cocks, F. S.,Jones, P. Asterley (Hitchin)Rhodes, H
Coldrick, WKeenan, W.Ridealgh, Mrs. M.
Collick, PKey, C. W.Robens, A.
Collindridge, F.Kinley, J.Roberts, Goronwy (Caernarvonshire)
Colman, Miss G MKirby, B. V.Royle, C
Corlett, Dr. J.Kirkwood, DScollan, T.
Corvedale, ViscountLang, G.Scott-Elliot, W
Cove, W. G.Lavers, S.Segal, Dr. S.
Crawley, ALawson, Rt. Hon. [...] JSharp, Granville
Daines, P.Leslie, J. R.Silverman, S. S. (Nelson)
Davies, Clement (Montgomery)Levy, B. W.Skeffington, A. M.
Davies, Edward (Burslem)Lewis, A W J. (Upton).Skeffington-Lodge, T. C.
Davies, Ernest (Enfield)Lewis, J. (Bolton)Skinnard, F. W.
Davies, Harold (Leek)Lindsay, K. M. (Comb'd Eng. Unjv.)Smith, C. (Colchester)
Davies, Haydn (St. Pancras, S. W)Lipson, D. LSmith, H. N. (Nottingham, S.)
Davies, S. O (Merthyr)Lipton, Lt.-Col. M.Snow, Capt J W
Deer, G.Logan, D. G.Sparks, J. A
Delargy, H. J.Lyne, A WStamford, W
Diamond, J.McAdam, W.Stephon C.
Dodds, N. N.McAllister, GStewart, Capt. Michael (Fulham, E.)
Driberg, T. E. N.McEntee, V. La T.Stross, Dr. B.
Dugdale, J. (W. Bromwich)McGhee, H. GStubbs, A. E.
Dumpleton, C. WMcGovern, J.Swingler, S.
Durbin, E. F. MMack, J. D.Sylvester, G O.
Dye, S.McKay, J (Wallsend)Symonds, A. L.
Edelman, M.Mackay, R. W. G. (Hull, N. W)Taylor, H. B. (Mansfield)
Edwards, Rt. Hon. Sir C. (Bedwellty)McKinlay, A. S.Taylor, R. J. (Morpeth)
Edwards, John (Blackburn)Maclean, N (Govan)Taylor, Dr. S. (Barnet)
Edwards, N. (Caerphilly)McLeavy, F.Thomas, D E. (Aberdare)
Edwards, W. J. (Whitechapel)MacMillan, M. K. (Western Isles)Thomas, Ivor (Keighley)
Evans, John (Ogmore)Macpherson, T. (Romford)Thomas, I. O (Wrekin)
Evans, S. N. (Wednesbury)Mainwaring, W. H.Thomas, George (Cardiff)
Ewart, RMallalieu, J. P. WThomson, Rt. Hn. G. R. (Ed'b'gh, E.)
Farthing, W. J.Mann, Mrs. J.Thorneycroft, Harry (Clayton)
Fernyhough, E.Manning, Mrs L. (Epping)Thurtle, Ernest
Tiffany, S.Watkins, T. E.Williams, J. (Kelvingrove)
Timmons, J.Watson, W. M.Williams, W R. (Heston)
Titterington, M. F.Webb, M. (Bradford, C.)Wilson, J. H.
Tolley, L.Wells, P. L. (Faversham)Woods, G. S.
Vernon, Maj. W. F.Wells, W. T. (Walsall)Wyatt, W.
Viant, S. P.While, H. (Derbyshire, N. E.)Yates, V. F.
Wadsworth, GWhiteley, Rt. Hon. W.Younger, Hon. Kenneth
Walkden, E.Wilkins, W A.
Walker, G. H.Willey, F T. (Sunderland)TELLERS FOR THE AYES:
Wallace, G. D. (Chislehurst)Willey, O. G. (Cleveland)Mr. Simmons and Mr. Hannan.
Wallace, H. W. (Walthamstow, E.)Williams, D. J. (Neath)
Agnew, Cmdr. P. G.Headlam, Lieut.-Col. Rt. Hon. Sir C.Ponsonby, Col. C. E
Anderson, Rt. Hn. Sir J. (Scot. Univ.)Hinchingbrooke, ViscountPoole, O. B- S. (Oswestry)
Baldwin, A. EHollis, M. C.Prescott, Stanley
Barlow, Sir JHolmes, Sir J. Stanley (Harwich)Price-White, Lt.-Col. D.
Baxter, A. B.Hope, Lord J.Raikes, H. V.
Beechman, N. A.Hulbert, Wing-Cdr. N. J.Ramsay, Major S.
Birch, NigelHurd, A.Reed, Sir S. (Aylesbury)
Boothby, R.Hutchison, Lt.-Cdr. Clark (Edin'gh, W)Reid, Rt. Hon. J. S. C. (Hillhead)
Boyd-Carpenter, J. A.Hutchison, Col. J. R. (Glasgow, C.)Roberts, Maj P. G (Ecclesall)
Bromley-Davenport, Lt.-Col. W.Keeling, E. H.Robinson, Wing-Comdr. Roland
Buchan-Hepburn, P. G. T.Kerr, Sir J. GrahamRopner, Col. L
Bullock Capt. MLegge-Bourke, Maj. E. A HRoss, Sir R. D. (Londonderry)
Carson, E.Lennox-Boyd, A T.Sanderson Sir F.
Challen, C.Lindsay, M (Solihull)Scott, Lord W.
Clifton-Brown, Lt.-Col G.Lloyd, Maj. Guy (Renfrew, E.)Shephard, S. (Newark)
Cooper-Key, E. M.Lloyd, Selwyn (Wirral)Shepherd, W. S. (Bucklow)
Corbett, Lieut.-Col. U. (Ludlow)Low, Brig. A. R. W.Smith. E. P. (Ashford)
Crosthwaite-Eyre, Col. O. E.Lucas, Major Sir J.Snadden, W. M.
Crowder, Capt. John E.Lucas-Tooth, Sir H.Spence, H. R.
Darling, Sir W. Y.MacAndrew, Col. Sir C.Stanley, Rt. Hon. O
Dodds-Parker, A. D.Macdonald, Sir P. (I. of Wight)Stoddart-Scott, Col M.
Denner, Sqn.-Ldr P. WMackeson, Brig. H R.Strauss, H. G. (English Universities)
Dower, Lt.-Col A V. G. (Penrith)Macpherson, N. (Dumfries)Stuart, Rt. Hon. J. (Moray)
Drewe, CMaitland, Comdr. J. W.Sutcliffe, H
Dugdale, Maj. Sir T. (Richmond)Manningham-Buller, R E.Taylor, C. S (Eastbourne)
Eden, Rt. Hon. A.Marlowe, A. A. HTaylor, Vice-Adm. E. A. (P'dd't'n, S.)
Elliot, Rt. Hon. WalterMarsden, Capt. ATeeling, William
Errell, F. J.Marshall, D. (Bodmin)Thornton-Kemsley, C. N
Fleming, Sqn.-Ldr E L.Mellor, Sir J.Touche, G C.
Fletcher, W (Bury)Moore, Lt.-Col. Sir T.Turton, R. H
Fraser, Sir I. (Lonsdale)Morris-Jones, Sir H.Vane, W. M. F.
Gammans, L. D.Morrison, Rt Hon. W S. (Cirencester)Williams, C (Torquay)
Gomme-Duncan, Col. A.Nield, B (Chester)Williams, Gerald (Tonbridge)
Grant, LadyOrr-Ewing I. L.
Grimston, R. V.Osborne, C.TELLERS FOR THE NOES
Hare, Hon J H (Woodbridge)Peake, Rt Hon. O.Major Conant and
Haughton, S. G.Peto, Brig. C. H. M.Lieut.-Colonel Thorp.
Head, Brig. A HPickthorn, K.

Question put, and agreed to.