Clause 2. — (Use of part of Apsley House as a museum, etc.)

Part of Orders of the Day — WELLINGTON MUSEUM BILL [Lords] – in the House of Commons am 12:00 am ar 25 Gorffennaf 1947.

Danfonwch hysbysiad imi am ddadleuon fel hyn

Photo of Sir William Darling Sir William Darling , Edinburgh South 12:00, 25 Gorffennaf 1947

I am quite satisfied with Subsection (2, a) of this Clause, but, with regard to Subsection (2, b), I want this building reserved for the purpose for which it was acquired. I would point out that, in other cases, Government Departments have secured the possession of public buildings, and have used them for other than their original purposes. I have in mind the National Portrait Gallery of Scotland which, by the munificence of the late Sir John Finlay, was presented to Scotland, and which, for the last four years, has been used as the headquarters of the Identity Registration Office.