Business of the House

– in the House of Commons am 12:00 am ar 28 Ionawr 1947.

Danfonwch hysbysiad imi am ddadleuon fel hyn

Motion made, and Question put, That the Proceedings in Committee on Agriculture [Money] and of the Committee of Ways and Means be exempted, at this day's Sitting, from the provisions of the Standing Order (Sittings of the House)."—[The Prime Minister.]

The House divided: Ayes, 263; Noes, 130.

Division No. 60.]AYES4.1 p.m
Adams, Richard (Balham)Evans, John (Ogmore)McKinlay, A. S.
Adams, W. T. (Hammersmith, South)Ewart, R.Maclean, N. (Govan)
Alexander, Rt. Hon. A. V.Farthing, W. J.McLeavy, F.
Allen, A. C. (Bosworth)Field, Capt. W. J.MacMillan, M. K. (Western Isles)
Allighan, GarryFoot, M. M.Macpherson, T. (Romford)
Alpass, J. H.Forman, J. C.Mainwaring, W. H.
Anderson, F. (Whitehaven)Freeman, Maj. J. (Watford)Mallalieu, J. P. W.
Attewell, H. C.Freeman, Peter (Newport)Mann, Mrs. J.
Attlee, Rt. Hon. C. R.Gallacher, W.Marshall, F. (Brightside)
Austin, H. LewisGanley, Mrs. C. S.Mathers, G.
Awbery, S. S.Gibbins, J.Mayhew, C. P.
Ayles, W. H.Gilzean, A.Medland, H. M.
Baird, J.Glanville, J. E. (Consett)Middleton, Mrs. L.
Balfour, A.Gooch, E. G.Millington, Wing-Comdr. E. R.
Barstow, P. G.Greenwood, A. W. J. (Heywood)Mitchison, Maj. G. R.
Barton, C.Grenfell, D. R.Monslow, W.
Battley, J. R.Grey, C. F.Montague, F.
Bechervaise, A. E.Grierson, E.Moody, A. S.
Bellinger, Rt. Hon. F. J.Griffiths, D. (Rother Valley)Morgan, Dr. H. B.
Benson,G.Griffiths, W. D. (Moss Side)Morley, R.
Beswick, F.Gruffyd, Prof. W. J.Morris, P. (Swansea, W.)
Bing, G. H. C.Guy, W. H.Morris, Hopkin (Carmarthen)
Blenkinsop, A.Haire, John E. (Wycombe)Mort, D. L.
Blyton, W. R.Hale, LeslieMoyle, A.
Bottomley, A. G.Hall, W. G.Murray, J. D.
Bowles, F. G. (Nuneaton)Hamilton, Lieut.-Col. RNeal, H. (Claycross)
Braddock, Mrs. E. M. (L'pl, Exeh'ge)Hardy, E. A.Noel-Baker, Capt. F. E. (Brentford)
Braddock, T. (Mitoham)Harrison, J.Noel-Buxton, Lady
Bramall, Major E. A.Hastings, Dr SomervilleOldfield, W. H
Brook, D. (Halifax)Henderson, A. (Kingswinford)Paget, R. T.
Brooks, T. J. (Rothwell)Henderson, Joseph (Ardwick)Paling, Rt. Hon. Wilfred (Wentworth)
Brown, George (Belper)Herbison, Miss M.Paling, Will T, (Dewsbury)
Brown, T. J. (Ince)Hicks, G.Parkin, B. T.
Byers, FrankHobson, C R.Paton, J. (Norwich)
Carmichael, JamesHolmes, H. E. (Hemsworth)Pearson, A.
Castle, Mrs. B. AHouse, G.Peart, Capt. T. F.
Chamberlain, R. A.Hoy, J.Piratin, P.
Champion, A. J.Hughes, Hector (Aberdeen, N.)Popplewell, E.
Clitherow, Dr. R.Hynd, H. (Haokney, C.)Porter, E. (Warrington)
Cobb, F. A.Hynd, Rt. Hon. J. B. (Atterclifte)Porter, G. (Leeds)
Cooks, F. SIsaacs, Rt. Hon. G. A.Price, M. Philips
Coldrick, W.Janner, B.Proctor, W. T.
Collick, P.Jay, D. P. T.Randall, H. E
Collindridge, F.Jeger, G. (Winchester)Ranger, J.
Collins, V. J.Jeger, Dr. S. W. (St. Pancras, S.E.)Rankin, J.
Colman, Miss G. M.Jones, Rt. Hon. A. C. (Shipley)Rees-Williams, D. R.
Cooper, Wing-Comdr. G.Jones, D. T. (Hartlepools)Reeves, J.
Corvedale, ViscountKeenan, W.Reid, T. (Swindon)
Cove, W. G.Kenyon, C.Rhodes, H.
Cunningham, P.Key, C. W.Ridealgh, Mrs. M.
Daggar, G.Kinley, J.Robens, A.
Daines, P.Kirby, B. V.Roberts, Emrys (Merioneth)
Dalton, Rt. Hon. H.Kirkwood, D.Roberts, W. (Cumberland, N.)
Davies, Clement (Montgomery)Lang, G.Robertson, J. J. (Berwick)
Davies, Edward (Burslem)Lavers, SRogers, G. H. R.
Davies, Ernest (Enfield)Lee, Miss J. (Cannock)Ross, William (Kilmarnock)
Davies, Harold (Leek)Leslie, J. R.Royle, C.
Davies, Hadyn (St. Pancras, S.W.)Lipson, D. L.Salter, Rt. Hon. Sir J. A.
Davies, S. O. (Merthyr)Lipton, Lt.-Col. M.Scollan, T.
Deer, G.Logan, D. G.Soott-Elliot, W.
Delargy, Captain H. J.Longden, F.Shackleton, Wing.-Cdr. E. A. A
Diamond, J.Lyne, A. W.Sharp, Granville
Dobbie, W.McAdam, W.Shawcross, C. N. (Widnes)
Dodds, N. N.McAllister, G.Shawcross, Rt. Hn. Sir H. (St. Helens)
Driberg, T. E. N.McEntee, V. La T.Shurmer, P.
Durbin, E. F. M.MoGhee, H. G.Skeffington-Lodge, T. C.
Dye, S.Mack, J. D.Smith, Ellis (Stoke)
Ede, Rt. Hon. J. C.McKay, J. (Wallsend)Smith, H. N. (Nottingham, S.)
Edelman, M.Mackay, R. W. G. (Hull, N.W.)Smith, S. H. (Hull, S.W.)
Snow, Capt. J. W.Thurtle, E.West, D. G.
Solley, L. J.Tiffany, S.Whiteley, Rt. Hon. W
Sorensen, R. W.Timmons, J.Wilkes, L.
Soskice, Maj. Sir F.Titterington, M. FWilkins, W. A.
Sparks, J. A.Tolley, L.Willey, F. T. (Sunderland)
Stamford, W.Tomlinson, Rt. Hon. G.Willey, O. G. (Cleveland)
Stephen, C.Turner-Samuels, M.Williams, Rt. Hon. T. (Don Valley)
Stewart, Michael (Fulham, E.)Usborne, HenryWilliams, W. R. (Heston)
Strauss, G. R. (Lambeth, N.)Vernon, Maj. W. FWillis, E.
Stross, Dr. B.Viant, S. P.Wilson, J. H.
Stubbs, A. E.Wadsworth, G.Wise, Major F. J
Swingler, S.Walkden, E.Woods, G. S.
Symonds, A. L.Walker, G. H.Wyatt, W.
Taylor, H. B. (Mansfield)Wallace, G. D. (Chislehurst)Yates, V. F.
Taylor, R. J. (Morpeth)Wallace, H. W. (Walthamstow, E.)Young, Sir R. (Newton)
Taylor, Dr. S. (Barnet)Warbey, W. N.Younger, Hon. Kenneth
Thomas, D. E. (Aberdare)Watkins, T. E.
Thomas, I. O. (Wrekin)Watson, W. M.TELLERS FOR THE AYES.
Thomson, Rt. Hon. G. R. (Ed'b'gh, E)Webb, M. (Bradford, C.)Mr. Simmons and Mr. Hannon
Thorneycroft, Harry (Clayton)Wells, P. L. (Faversham)
Amory, D. HeathcoatHaughton, S. G.Nutting, Anthony
Assheton, Rt. Hon. R.Head, Brig. A. H.O'Neill, Rt. Hon. Sir H
Baldwin, A. E.Headlam, Lieut.-Col. Rt. Hon. Sir C.Osborne, C.
Barlow, Sir J.Henderson, John (Cathcart)Peake, Rt. Hon. O.
Beamish, Maj. T. V. HHinchingbrooke, ViscountPeto, Brig. C. H. M
Beech man, N. A.Hogg, Hon. Q.Prescott, Stanley
Birch, NigelHollis, M. C.Price-White, Lt.-Col. D
Boles, Lt.-Col. D. C. (Wells)Hope, Lord J.Prior-Palmer, Brig. O.
Boothby, R.Howard, Hon. A.Ramsay, Maj. S.
Bossom, A. C.Hudson, Rt. Hon. R. S. (Southport)Rayner, Brig. R.
Sower, N.Kurd, A.Reid, Rt. Hon. J. S. C. (Hillhead)
Boyd-Carpenter, J. A.Hutchison, Col. J. R. (Glasgow, C.)Renton, D.
Braithwaite, Lt.-Comdr. J. G.Jeffreys, General Sir G.Ropner, Col. L.
Bromley-Davenport, Lt.-Col. WJennings, R.Sanderson, Sir F.
Buchan-Hepburn, p. G. T.Kendall, W. D.Savory, Prof. D. L.
Bullock, Capt. M.Kerr, Sir J. GrahamScott, Lord W.
Butcher, H. W.Lambert, Hon. G.Shephard, S. (Newark)
Butler, Rt. Hon. R. A. (S'ffr'n W'ld'n)Lancaster, Col. C. G.Smith, E. P. (Ashford)
Challen, C.Langford-Holt, J.Smithers, Sir W.
Churchill, Rt. Hon. W. S.Law, Rt. Hon. R. K.Snadden, W. M.
Clifton-Brown, Lt.-Col. G.Lindsay, M. (Solihull)Spearman, A. C. M.
Conant, Maj. R. J. E.Linstead, H. N.Stanley, Rt. Hon. O.
Corbett, Lieut.-Col. U. (Ludlow)Lloyd, Maj. Guy (Renfrew, E.)Stoddart-Scott, Col. M.
Crookshank, Capt. Rt. Hon. H.F.C.Low, Brig. A. R. W.Stuart, Rt. Hon. J. (Moray)
Crosthwaite-Eyre, Col. O ELucas, Major Sir J.Sutcliffe, H.
Crowder, Capt. John E.MacAndrew, Col. Sir CTaylor, C. S. (Eastbourne)
Darling, Sir W. Y.McCallum, Maj. D.Teeling, William
Davidson, ViscountessMacdonald, Sir P. (I. of Wight)Thornton-Kemsley, C. N.
Digby, S. W.Mackeson, Brig. H. R.Thorp, Lt.-Col. R. A. F.
Drayson, G. B.McKie, J. H. (Galloway)Touche, G. C.
Drewe, C.Maclay, Hon. J. S.Turton, R. H.
Dugdale, Maj. Sir T. (Richmond)Maclean, Brig. F. H. R. (Lancaster)Vane, W. M. F.
Duthie, W. S.Macpherson, Maj. N. (Dumfries)Ward, Hon. G. R.
Eccles, D. M.Maitland, Comdr. J. W.Watt, Sir G. S. Harvie
Eden, Rt. Hon. A.Manningham-Buller, R. E.Wheatley, Colonel M. J.
Fraser, Maj. H. C. P. (Stone)Marlowe, A. A. H.Williams, Gerald (Tonbridge)
Galbraith, Cmdr. T. D.Marsden, Capt. A.Willoughby de Eresby, Lord
Gammans, L. D.Marshall, D. (Bodmin)Winterton, Rt. Hon. Earl
Glossop, C. W. H.Mellor, Sir J.York, C.
Gomme-Duncan, Col. A. GMoore, Lt.-Col. Sir T.Young, Sir A. S. L. (Partick)
Grant, LadyMorrison, Maj. J. G. (Salisbury)
Gridley, Sir A.Mott-Radolyffe, Maj. C. E.TELLERS FOR THE NOES
Grimston, R. V.Neven-Spence, Sir B.Gommander Agnew and
Harmon, Sir P. (Moseley)Nicholson, G.Mr. Studholme.
Harvey, Air-Comdre. A VNoble, Comdr. A. H. P

Motion made, and Question, "That the Committee do report Progress, and ask leave to sit again,"—[Mr. R. J. Taylor]—put, and agreed to.