– in the House of Commons ar 28 Mawrth 1945.
Mr. Bellenģer: asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he has any plans ready for recruitment for the Navy on a voluntary basis; and whether he is satisfied that he can obtain...
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many W.R.N.S. have been tried by courts-martial for offences; and in how many cases did these offences involve desertion.
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty why journeymen electricians are not allowed to be engine- room artificers on the same conditions as apprentice fitters of 20 years of age; and why...
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in view of the exceptionally interesting historical and antiquarian associations connected with Bodmin Moor, he will select some other bombing range...
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, before promulgating the recent order for civilian personnel employed by the Admiralty to wear R.N.V.R, uniform whilst serving in the Pacific, he...
asked the Prime Minister whether the Minister of Production is now fully engaged in the work of his Ministry; and if that Ministry will be retained after the end of the European war.
asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider, as one of the terms to be imposed upon Germany, the handing over of a square mile or any conveniently-sized smaller badly-bombed area in Berlin...