– in the House of Commons ar 26 Tachwedd 1942.
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he can give any information about the three land women killed, and 14 injured, in a lorry at Billericay, Essex, on Tuesday, 10th November; and what...
Mr. De la Bère: asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in connection with the supply of green battle-dress suits for agricultural workers, he is aware of the impossibility of...
asked the Minister of Agriculture why it is considered necessary to allocate 47 tons of feeding-stuffs per month during the coming winter to hunt establishments?
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether his attention has been drawn to a case, particulars of which were sent to him, where a war agriculture committee and a conservancy board, acting under...
asked the Minister of Agriculture the penalty for feeding raw swill to pigs; and how many people have been prosecuted for the offence this year?
asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will urge county war agricultural committees to procure the co-operation of landowners in the collection of blown trees, wood chips and root stumps,...