Oral Answers to Questions — Education – in the House of Commons am ar 26 Tachwedd 1942.
asked the President of the Board of Education whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that there is a shortage of operative man-power in this country and a surplus of people of administrative and executive experience, as a result of which the Appointments Board is now offering manual work to people of executive and administrative experience; and what steps he proposes to take in connection with the reform of our educational system to take account of this development?
I understand that the circumstances to which my hon. Friend refers are due to the fact that the intake into the Government service and war industries of persons with managerial, administrative and executive experience is not sufficient to offset the number of persons whose services in those capacities are no longer required as the result of the closure or curtailment of other industrial and commercial enterprises. The present situation is therefore largely due to war conditions. I am ready to take account of all relevant factors in considering the reform of the educational system.
Do I understand that answer to mean that' the nation uses more brains in peace-time than in war-time?
That is not my concern.