Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 24 Gorffennaf 1941.
A list of the principal items of expenditure taken into account in compiling the Cost-of-Living Index is given each month in the "Ministry of Labour Gazette." The items so taken into account of which supplies to consumers are rationed include beef, mutton, bacon, butter, margarine, cheese, tea, sugar, clothing and clothing materials, and boots and shoes; the distribution of eggs is subject to control. I have no statistics showing how far the consumption of other articles is affected by shortage of supply. As is stated in the "Ministry of Labour Gazette," this Cost-of-Living Index is designed to measure the average percentage change in the retail prices for a fixed list of commodities and services and does not attempt to assess the effect of changes in expenditure due to alterations in the consumption of rationed or the substitution of unrationed articles.