– in the House of Commons am ar 5 Mai 1937.
May I ask the Prime Minister what is to be the business taken by the House in the week beginning Monday, 24th May?
On Monday, 24th May, Committee stage of the Civil List Resolutions and of the Statutory Salaries Bill.
Tuesday, 25th May—Supply, Committee (6th Allotted day), Board of Trade Vote, Report stage of the Civil List Resolutions.
Wednesday, 26th May—Supply, Committee (7th Allotted day), Colonial Office Vote.
The business for Thursday, 27th May, and Friday, 28th May, will be announced when the House resumes.
On any day, if there is time, other Orders will be taken.
With regard to Wednesday's business, while we have asked for the Colonial Office Vote, in view of the two serious industrial disputes and also the disturbed position in Spain, it may be necessary to change that to either the Vote of the Foreign Office, or of the Department of Mines, or of the Ministry of Transport.
There is plenty of time to do that.