– in the House of Commons am ar 30 Gorffennaf 1935.
asked the Chancellor of the Exchquer what have been the amounts of the Imperial contribution of the Northern Ireland Government during the last three years; whether the Government of Northern Ireland is entitled to include among its outgoings, for purposes of calculating the amount of the Imperial contribution, the cost of the special constabulary; and, if so, what are the numbers of special constables in Northern Ireland?
The amounts of the Imperial contribution of the Northern Ireland Government for the last three years for which final figures are available, are: 1931–32, £298,000, 1932–33, £75,000, 1933–34, £76,000. The expenditure of the Northern Ireland Exchequer in connection with the Special Constabulary, as shown in Vote 3, Class III, of the Annual Estimates of the Northern Ireland Government, forms part of the annual expenditure which is taken into account in assessing the Imperial contribution. Subhead E of the Estimate for 1935–36 provides for the payment of bonus to 12,200 members of the Force. I have no other information as to the numbers at present enrolled.
Is it not a fact that £7,000,000 was the figure of the annual Imperial contribution fixed at the time of the passing of the Act?
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that North Ireland has contributed over £20,000,000 to the Imperial Exchequer during the 15 years that it has been in existence, which is more than the whole of Ireland contributed from the time of the Union down to 1920?