Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 26 Gorffennaf 1935.
than the right hon. Gentleman that in the long run all these schemes stand or fall by the willingness of the market to take the supplies. You must, therefore, have a body in living touch with the consumer's end, and having powers of control over prices and distribution charges sufficient to maintain demand. A body of the kind now proposed, with arbitrary powers which a producers' body, anyhow, ought not to have, will be entirely divorced from this other end of the business. This kind of regulation and organisation and direction should be in the hands of a body which is not interested, but which carries out the policy of the National Government on behalf of the Minister. It should not be in the hands, of interested parties. That is the real point behind our objection, apart from my machinery objection, and I am sure that sooner or later this method of approach to the achievement of orderly marketing will give rise to so many disputes and wrong impressions that it will be very likely to prejudice the whole idea of a decently organised marketing system. We see many of them already, and I am sure they will be intensified if we allow the board to be endowed with these powers.