– in the House of Commons am ar 1 Gorffennaf 1935.
asked the Home Secretary how many licences under Part I of the Betting and Lotteries Act have been granted to tracks which were existing tracks within the meaning of the Act; how many to new tracks and how many have been refused; and whether he can furnish information as to the purposes for which the licences have been granted?
Captain WALLACE:
Licences are granted by county councils and county borough councils, subject to the powers of delegation conferred by Section 5 of the Act. These authorities do not report their decisions on applications for licences to the Home Office, and the only way in which the information could be obtained would be to ask for a special return from each local authority. This would involve the expenditure of time and money which does not seem justified.
Does not the hon. and gallant Gentleman think that this business is of such importance that we ought to be informed exactly how many tracks have been licensed?
Can the hon. and gallant Gentleman provide us with an opportunity of justifying our contention that the information should be made available?