– in the House of Commons ar 30 Ebrill 1929.
17. asked the Lord Advocate the number of cases of alleged reckless driving by omnibus drivers where fatalities occurred during 1928, submitted to Crown counsel by the Glasgow Sheriff's Fiscal,...
20. asked the Minister of Transport whether his Department has come to any decision with regard to legalising motor spot-lights, with a view to greater safety being afforded motorists, especially...
21. asked the Minister of Transport the position in connection with the proposed shore road between Bo'ness and South Queensferry?
22. asked the Minister of Transport whether he has yet received any proposals from the London and North Eastern Railway Company for the utilisation of their share of the capital value...
23. asked the Minister of Transport what is the present position of progress of the Western Avenue; and whether he can make any statement as to the probable date of completion of this road?