Part of Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants. – in the House of Commons am ar 30 Ebrill 1929.
asked the Secretary of State for War if he will consider the grant of a service pension under the 1914 warrant, with arrears, to Thomas Scott, late acting-colour-sergeant, No. 6,033, Suffolk Regiment, in view of the fact that he served continuously with the colours and reserve from 3rd March, 1902, to 28th September, 1919, that he held substantive rank as non-commissioned officer for not less than three years immediately preceding final discharge and was notified by the Ministry of Pensions on 7th June, 1927, that he would draw as from 21st May, 1929, a disablement pension at the 40 per cent. rate until further instructions and without terminal date?