Part of Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants. – in the House of Commons am ar 30 Ebrill 1929.
asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Charles Ambrose Fairhead, late private, Labour Corps, No. 119,640, is in receipt of a pension of 8d. a day only, after having rendered upwards of 14 years' combined colour and reserve service, including fighting throughout the South African War and for two years in France; whether he is aware that this ex-service man re-enlisted shortly after the outbreak of the Great War and continued serving until finally discharged as no longer physically fit for war service; and whether, in view of the hardships involved in this and similar cases, he will consider an amendment of the pay warrant so as to give the benefit of pension assessment at the usual rate of 1½d. per day per year of qualifying service, with rank allowances and the usual age increases of 5d. at 55 and 4d. at 65, to all veterans who served for not less than 14 years and who have been disabled by their Great War service, in lieu of their present pensions, based on the 1914 pay warrant?