Part of Orders of the Day — Local Government (Scotland) Bill. – in the House of Commons am ar 26 Ebrill 1929.
It seems to me that there is a difficulty, because, strictly speaking, a district council is a sub-committee of a county council. They are elected bodies, I know, but many of the functions of the county council are to be transferred, temporarily at all events, within the power of the county council, to district committees, and I should have thought that a member would have been remunerated precisely in the way that a member of a county council or any committee of a county council would be. There is this point, in addition. Members of district councils lose time and are not to be compensated, whereas members of county councils, who lose exactly the same amount of time, no better and no worse than members of district councils, are to be compensated. I think the right hon. Gentleman will agree that that is an anomaly. It may be impossible to avoid anomalies altogether in connection with this matter, but I think the right hon. Gentleman might give an assurance that where a member of a district council is losing wages, he ought at least to be compensated precisely in the same way as a member of a county council.