– in the House of Commons am ar 24 Ebrill 1929.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether His Majesty's Government is prepared to sign the model treaty to strengthen the means of preventing war, adopted by the ninth Assembly of the League of Nations, which imposes on members of the League the legal obligation to comply with the recommendations made by the Council for the immediate cessation of hostilities; and, if not, the reasons on which the attitude of His Majesty's Government is based?
The model is not a protocol open for the signature of all members of the League, but is intended merely as a pattern for bilateral or other treaties between particular Powers whose circumstances render them desirous of concluding instruments of this kind. The model treaty is couched in somewhat vague terms, and His Majesty's Government do not consider that it offers a suitable basis for negotiating treaties between this country and other Powers.
Did not Lord Cushendun himself move that this particular provision should be in the draft Treaty?
Which particular provision?
The method alluded to in my question. Was it not proposed as part of the Treaty by Lord Cushendun as representing the Foreign Secretary?
I cannot answer that question without notice, but, in any case, the character of this Treaty is as I have stated to the right hon. Gentleman. It is not a general treaty lying open for signature by all parties.