– in the House of Commons ar 22 Ebrill 1929.
50. asked the Postmaster-General-when it will be possible to publish the list of rural stations and post offices which it is proposed to equip with telephone call-boxes under the new financial...
52. asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department the number of new cases in the last three years in which he has given authority for the letters of individuals to be opened during their...
51. asked the Secretary of State for War the number of men and women employed in the Royal Army Clothing Department who receive an annual holiday of at least one week's duration with pay?
53. asked the Home Secretary whether he proposes to take steps, by legislation or otherwise, to prevent geographical restrictions being imposed by magistrates among the conditions on which...
Order [14th March], "That the Bill be committed to a Standing Committee," read, and discharged; Bill withdrawn.
"to enable leaseholders in occupation of houses or premises whose original leases were granted for a term of not less than twenty-one years to maintain their tenure," presented by Mr. Clarry; to...