– in the House of Commons ar 22 Ebrill 1929.
27. asked the Minister of Agriculture what increase, if any, has been made in the scale of heavy-horse grants since 1914; and how much those grants cost last year?
41. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he can state why, in the case of a landholder to whom a loan has been granted under Section 7 (7) of the Act of 1911 by the Board of Agriculture...
32. asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, if he is aware that tenders were invited last July for constructing an addition to...
33. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what is the actual agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Egyptian Administration prohibiting the passage of foreign civil...
34. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs when the subject of Germany being given a mandate for one of her former colonies was last under discussion; and what was the attitude...
36. asked the Minister of Health whether he has received a communication from the town clerk of Hull, with a resolution of the City Council passed on 11th April, last, drawing attention again to...
Dr. VERNON DAVIES: 37. asked the Minister of Health whether he has received any reports from his inspectors regarding the emission of fumes from artificial silk works?
38. asked the Minister of Health what has been the annual increase of population in the United Kingdom during each year since 1924?
39 and 40. asked the Minister of Health (1) whether the three women members of the staff dismissed by the board of the Lock Hospital two years ago were exonerated by the committee of inquiry;...
42. asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will state what reduction of Scottish harbour dues will be made in the approaching herring-fishing season as a result of the Budget proposals?
44. asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons absorbed into industry in each year since 1924?
45. asked the Prime Minister whether the National Radium Trustees will have power to expend any of the funds in an endeavour to discover sources of supply independent of the Belgian company?
47. asked the Prime Minister whether in view of the formal statement of representatives of the Russian Soviet Government that Russia, following upon the resumption of diplomatic relations with...