Oral Answers to Questions — India. – in the House of Commons am ar 22 Ebrill 1929.
asked the Under-Secretary of State for India when the final trial of the 31 persons arrested in March for waging war against the King is to take place; have the accused persons applied to the Viceroy to transfer the trial to a large presidency town where there is a High Court of Justice; if so, will the Government accede to the request; if the trial is to be conducted at Meerut will the accused persons have the usual benefit of trial by jury presided over by a High Court Judge; how many of the 31 persons are of European birth; what are their names; and what means will be afforded to their friends and relatives in Great Britain for securing proper facilities for defence?
I have no information as to the first three parts of the question. As regards the fourth part, if the Magistrate commits the accused to trial, the case will presumably come before the Court of Session at Meerut and will be heard by the Sessions Judge with the aid of assessors. Two of the accused persons, namely Mr. Philip Spratt and Mr. Benjamin Bradley, are of European birth. As regards the last part of the question, these two Europeans will be in the same position as the other accused in the matter of the preparation of their defence.
Was it not possible for the Noble Lord to obtain information from the Viceroy as to the application for trial by jury?
It is a matter for the Viceroy to deal with.