– in the House of Commons am ar 16 Ebrill 1929.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty if he will state the number of civilians employed by the Admiralty in dockyards abroad in March, 1914, 1928, and 1929?
The figures as regards employés in the industrial classes are 10,831 in 1914, 15,071 in 1928, and 15,436 in 1929. The figures for the non-industrial classes are 549 in 1914, 990 in 1928, and 976 in 1929.
Are these people recruited from the districts where the dockyards are situated or are many men sent out from this country?
I cannot give a detailed answer to that question. A large amount of the increase is caused by the increase of the Mediterranean Fleet at Malta, where the majority of the workmen are local men.
Does the right hon. Gentleman take every step to give unemployed dockyard men from this country an opportunity of going abroad?
Some of the places where men are required would not be suitable for dockyard men from home. If they desire to go, I should he quite prepared to consider the advisability of their going, but the conditions are not suitable in some cases.