Oral Answers to Questions — Coal Mining Industry. – in the House of Commons am ar 7 Rhagfyr 1926.
asked the Minister of Transport whether he will consult with local authorities on the question of taking over privately-owned toll-bridges in their districts, in view of the heavy charge placed upon the industrial activities of people owing to the necessity of reaching markets, so that the cost is more equally distributed amongst the residents of those particular areas; and whether he will grant a payment from the Road Fund to minimise the cost to the local authorities as a compensation for the use made of the bridges by outside traffic?
Officers of my Department are in frequent consultation with local authorities who contemplate the freeing of toll-bridges, and I am prepared to consider any application which may be formulated by the responsible bodies for assistance from the Road Fund for the purpose of eliminating tolls.
Has not this policy been adopted in regard to the Mersey Tunnel, and, in view of the very unsatisfactory position of toll-bridges throughout the country, will my right hon. Friend consider setting up a Committee to inquire into the whole position, so that something may he done which is not being done at the present time?
Is not this an unwarranted interference with private enterprise?
I see no useful purpose in setting up a Committee. The people responsible for putting forward these proposals are the local authorities, and, as far as I can remember, no concrete proposal has yet been put to me. When these proposals come forward, I will give them my careful consideration.
We cannot debate the matter now.
asked the Minister of Transport whether he can inform the House of the number of toll bridges at present in the country?
I supplied the information for which my hon. Friend asks in an answer which I gave to a question which he put to me on 2nd March last, and of which I am seeding him a copy. I am not aware of any material charge since then.
Can the right hon. Gentleman tell me haw many of these toll bridges are in Hampshire?
No, but I can tell him that there are about 64 toll roads, and double the number of toll bridges, in Great Britain.
Seeing that this involves a great hardship on the general public where the toll bridges are—
The hon. Member is trying to debate the question.