Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce. – in the House of Commons am ar 7 Rhagfyr 1926.
asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether he has yet decided to take any action as a result of the Joint Committee of Inquiry which was set up to consider foreign competition and conditions in the shipbuilding industry, and which issued a Report in June of this year;
(2) If he has investigated the operations of rings and price-fixing associations in the supply of materials; and whether he is taking any action with a view to bringing relief to shipbuilding as recommended in the Report of the Joint Committee of Inquiry which was set up to consider the conditions in the shipbuilding industry?
The Report of the Joint Committee to which the hon. Member refers has not yet been communicated to me officially, but I understand that it has now been approved by all the organisations represented on the Committee, and I expect to have an opportunity of discussing with the interests concerned the particular parts of the Report to which the hon. Member directs attention.
The right hon. Gentleman gave me a similar answer about three months ago. Having regard to the severe depression in the shipbuilding industry, does he not think it is time something should be done, and done quickly
I am in this difficulty. When the hon. Gentleman asked me the same question several months ago I then said I had not had the Report communicated to me by the people concerned, and they have not yet communicated it to me. I understand they are discussing it, and as soon as I get the Report I propose to take the action which I indicated to the hon. Member.
The right hon. Gentleman has very considerable influence. Will he not bring pressure to bear upon the authorities to supply him with that Report?
No, Sir, I do not think I can do that. As I understand it, this Report arises out of a very long series of joint meetings between the shipbuilding employers and a very large number of trade unions concerned with shipbuilding, and I do not think I can intervene in the course of their discussions, but as soon as I get their Report I am ready to consider it.
Has the right hon. Gentleman been asked to receive, or is he prepared to receive, a deputation from the joint Committee?
I do not think I have received an application, but I would like notice of that.
Has the right hon. Gentleman seen and read the Report of that particular Committee, seeing that that Report is completed?
I have had the privilege of seeing the form of the Report which, I understand, is going to be submitted to all the constituent bodies, but I cannot very well act upon it as if it were their joint representations, until it has been submitted to them.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that that Report has been submitted to the constituent bodies and, I believe, has been sent to the Board of Trade?
No, I am advised that it has not been sent to the Board of Trade.