Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 15 Gorffennaf 1925.
There is a point that my right hon. Friend might be prepared to consider. I recognise that in administering a matter of this kind there is a difference between the various kinds of Orders and Regulations which are required for that administration. There are usually two kinds of sections inserted dealing with the making of Orders and Regulations. I myself think that the form in which my hon. Friend has moved his Amendment is a practical form in view of the wide powers that it is proposed to take, but would the right hon. Gentleman not consider in view of what he said, and especially in view of what was said by the hon. and gallant Member for East Islington (Major Tasker). that it is advisable that in any Acts of Parliament there should be some such provision? If he is not prepared to accept the Amendment, will he be prepared to accept an Amendment which shall provide that the Order shall be laid before Parliament as from the date of the Bill becoming operative?