Oral Answers to Questions — Unemployment. – in the House of Commons am ar 4 Gorffennaf 1923.
asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that Mr. Marsh, 20 Court, 4 House, Dudley Port, Tipton, who was unemployed, recently made application for relief from the Dudley Board of Guardians and was refused and told to take his family into the workhouse; and will he cause inquiry to be made as to the reason for this action on the part of the board?
I have been in communication with the Dudley Board of Guardians with regard to this case, and have received the following communication from them:
In accordance with the instruction of the board, Marsh was informed that relief would be afforded to him upon his performing the prescribed task of work. Without hesitation he declined to receive relief upon these conditions. I may say that when his application was made inquiries were instituted at the local Labour Exchange and it was found that he was disqualified from benefit because he had left his work without just cause. I may also add that during the past two years the man has only done one month's work.
Since the date upon which Marsh applied for relief neither the guardians nor their officers have any information relating to him.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this man was thrown out of employment because of a dispute, and will he inquire into the reply of the guardians?
I have no information further than that which I have already given.
What is the nature of the test work which is offered to this man?
I could not say without notice.