Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 25 Gorffennaf 1922.
(2) If the receipts of the joint electricity authority on revenue account in any year are insufficient to meet the charges payable out of revenue in that year, the deficiency shall, unless provided for out of a reserve fund, be apportioned amongst the authorised undertakers within the district of the joint electricity authority who take a supply of
electricity from the joint electricity authority in proportion to the number of units of electricity supplied to them in that year: Provided that in any case in which it appears to the joint electricity authority that the deficiency in any year can by a reasonable adjustment of charges, or otherwise, be made good out of moneys receivable by the joint electricity authority in any succeeding year or years, or that the deficiency is so small as to justify postponement of any apportionment, the joint electricity authority may refrain from making any such apportionment, and such deficiency may be included in the charges payable out of the revenue in any succeeding year or years.