Orders of the Day — ELECTRICITY (SUPPLY) BILL [Lords].

Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 25 Gorffennaf 1922.

Danfonwch hysbysiad imi am ddadleuon fel hyn

Division No. 335.]AYES.[8.30 p.m.
Agg-Gardner, Sir Jamas TynteGuest, Capt. Rt. Hon. Frederick E.Parker, James
Atkey, A. R.Guthrie, Thomas MauleParry, Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Henry
Baldwin, Rt. Hon. StanleyHall, Lieut.-Col. Sir F. (Dulwich)Perkins, Walter Frank
Balfour, George (Hampstead)Hamilton, Sir George C.Perring, William George
Barnett, Major Richard W.Hamilton, Patrick Joseph HenryPollock, Rt. Hon. Sir Ernest Murray
Barnston, Major HarryHarmsworth, C. B. (Bedford, Luton)Pratt. John William
Barrand, A. R.Harmsworth, Hon. E. C. (Kent)Purchase, H. G.
Bartley-Denniss, Sir Edmund RobertHayes, Hugh (Down, W.)Ramsden, G. T.
Birchall, J. DearmanHennessy, Major J. R. G.Randies, Sir John Scurrah
Borwick, Major G. O.Hills, Major John WallerRatcliffe, Henry Butler
Boscawen, Rt. Hon. Sir A. GrlffithHolbrook, Sir Arthur RichardReid, D. D.
Bowyer, Captain G. W. E.Hood, Sir JosephRichardson, Sir Alex. (Gravesend)
Boyd-Carpenter, Major A.Hope, Sir H. (Stirling & Cl'ckm'nn,w.)Roberts, Rt. Hon. G. H. (Norwich)
Bramsdon, Sir ThomasHope, Lt.-Col. Sir J. A. (Midlothian)Robinson, S. (Brecon and Radnor)
Breese, Major Charles E.Hopkins, John W. W.Robinson, Sir T. (Lanes., Stretford)
Bridgeman, Rt. Hon. William CliveHome, Edgar (Surrey, Guildford)Rodger, A. K.
Briggs, HaroldHoufton, John PlowrightRoundell, Colonel R. F.
Brittain, Sir HarryHunter-Weston, Lt.-Gen. Sir AylmerRutherford, Sir W. W. (Edge Hill)
Brown, Major D. C.Hurst, Lieut.-Colonel Gerald B.Sanders, Colonel Sir Robert Arthur
Bruton, Sir JamesInskip, Thomas Walker H.Scott, A. M, (Glasgow, Bridgeton)
Buckley, Lieut.-Colonel A.Jameson, John GordonScott, Sir Loslie (Liverp'l, Exchange)
Burn, Col. C. R. (Devon, Torquay)Jephcott, A. R.Seager, Sir William
Carter, R. A. D. (Man., Withington)Jodrell, Neville PaulShortt, Rt. Hon. E. (N'castle-on-T.)
Cecil, Rt. Hon. Sir Evelyn (Aston)Johnstone, JosephSimm, M, T. (Wallsend)
Chamberlain, Rt. Hn. J. A.(Blrm.,W).Kellaway, Rt. Han. Fredk. GeorgeSmithers, Sir Alfred W.
Clough, sir RobertKidd, JamesStanley, Major Hon. G. (Preston)
Coats, Sir StuartKing, Captain Henry DouglasSteel, Major S. Strang
Cobb, Sir CyrilLew, Alfred J. (Rochdale)Stephenson. Lieut.-Colonel H. K.
Colfox, Major Wm. PhillipsLewis, Rt. Hon. J. H. (Univ., Wales)Sturrock, J. Leng
Colvin, Brig.-General Richard BealeLindsay, William ArthurSueter, Rea-Admiral Murray Fraser
Conway, Sir w. MartinLloyd-Greame, Sir P.Surtees. Brigadier-General H. C.
Cope, Major WilliamLorden, John WilliamSutherland. Sir William
Cowan, D. M. (Scottish Universities)M'Connell, Thomas EdwardTaylor. J.
Cralk, Rt. Hon. Sir HenryMcLaren, Robert (Lanark, Northern)Thomson, Sir W. Mitchell (Maryhill)
Davies, Thomas (Cirencester)Macpherson, Rt. Hon. James I.Thorpe, Captain John Henry
Davies, Sir William H. (Bristol, S.)Macquisten, F. A.Tryon, Major George Clement
Dawson, Sir PhilipMalone, Major P. B. (Tottenham, S.)Wallace. J
Dewhurst, Lieut.-Commander HarryMarks, Sir George CroydonWhite, Col. G. D. (Southport)
Edge, Captain Sir WilliamMarriott, John Arthur RansomeWhitla, Sir William
Elliot, Capt. Walter E. (Lanark)Martin, A. E.Williams, C. (Tavistock)
Elveden, ViscountMiddlebrook, Sir WilliamWilson, Col. M. J. (Richmond)
Evans, ErnestMoles, ThomasWinterton. Earl
Fell, Sir ArthurMolson, Major John ElsdaleWise, Frederick
FitzRoy, Captain Hon. Edward A.Mond, Rt. Hon. Sir Alfred Moritzwood, Sir H, K. (Woolwich, West)
Flannery, Sir James FortescueMoreing, Captain Algernon H.Worsfold, T. Cato
Ford, Patrick JohnstonMurray, Rt. Hon. C. D. (Edinburgh)Yate, Colonel Sir Charles Edward
Forrest, WalterMurray, Hon. Gideon (St. Rollox)Yeo, Sir Alfred William
Foxcroft, Captain Charles TalbotMurray, John (Leeds, West)Young, E. H. (Norwich)
Fraser, Major Sir KeithNeal, Arthur
Gardiner, JamesNewton, Sir D. G. C. (Cambridge)TELLERS FOR THE AYES.—
Gardner, ErnestNicholson, Brig.-Gen. J. (Westminster)Colonel Leslie Wilson and Mr.
Gibbs, Colonel George AbrahamNorris, Colonel Sir Henry G.Dudley Ward.
Gilmour, Lieut.-Colonel Sir John
Acland, Rt. Hon. Francis D.Barker, G. (Monmouth, Abertillery)Cairns, John
Adamson, Rt. Hon. WilliamBarton, Sir William (Oldham)Cape, Thomas
Ammon, Charles GeorgeBenn, Captain Wedgwood (Leith)Casey, T. W.
Banton, GeorgeBowerman, Rt. Hon. Charles W.Clynes, Rt. Hon. John R.
Barker, Major Robert H.Bromfield, WilliamCory, Sir J. H. (Cardiff, South)
Davies, A. (Lancaster, Clitheroe)Hurd, Percy A.Rendail, Athelstan
Davies, Rhys John (Westhoughton)Irving, DanRichardson, R. (Houghton-le-Spring)
Davison, J. E. (Smethwick)John, William (Rhondda, West)Royce, William Stapleton
Edwards, C. (Monmouth, Bedwellty)Jones, G. W, H. (Stoke Newington)Sexton, James
Edwards, G. (Norfolk, South)Jones, Henry Haydn (Merioneth)Shaw, Thomas (Preston)
Edwards, Hugh (Glam., Neath)Jones, J. J. (West Ham, Silvertown)Short, Alfred (Wednesbury)
Entwistle, Major C. F.Kennedy, ThomasSmith, W. R. (Wellingborough)
Finney, SamuelKenworthy, Lieut.-Commander J. M.Sutton, John Edward
Foot, IsaacKenyon, BarnetSwan, J. E.
Gaibraith. SamuelLawson, John JamesThomas, Rt. Hon. James H. (Derby)
Ganzoni, Sir JohnLowther, Maj.-Gen. Sir C. (Penrith)Thomas, Brig.-Gen. Sir O. (Anglesey)
Gillis, WilliamLunn, WilliamWard, Col. J. (Stoke-upon-Trent)
Graham, D. M. (Lanark, Hamilton)Lyle, C. E. LeonardWaterson, A. E.
Grenfell, D. R. (Glamorgan)Mallalieu, Frederick WilliamWhite, Charles F. (Derby, Western)
Griffiths, T. (Monmouth, Pontypool)Murray, Dr. D. (Inverness & Ross)Wignall, James
Grundy, T. W.Myers, ThomasWilliams, Aneurin (Durham, Consett)
Guest, J. (York, W. R., Hemsworth)Newbould, Alfred ErnestWilson, Rt. Hon. J. W. (Stourbridge)
Hallas, EldredNewman, Sir R. H. S. D. L. (Exeter)Wintringham, Margaret
Halls, WalterNield, Sir HerbertWood, Major M. M. (Aberdeen, C.)
Hayday, ArthurParkinson, John Allen (Wigan)
Hirst, G. H.Pearce, Sir WilliamTELLERS FOR THE NOES.—
Hodge, Rt. Hon. JohnPoison, Sir Thomas A.Mr. T. Thomson and Major
Hogge, James MylesRaffan, peter WilsonBarnes.