Part of the debate – in the House of Commons am ar 25 Gorffennaf 1922.
At any rate, it is a company dealing with electrical development. By altering the terms of the 1919 Act, which was thrashed out before this House and before a Committee, by varying that, not in the interests of the consumer or the public, we are doing a great deal to retard and not to help electrical development. We have been told that the 1019 Act was originally compulsory, whereas it is now on a voluntary basis, and the Parliamentary Secretary seemed to think that that fact made a difference as to the terms under which a power company might come in. But surely protection of the public is equally necessary whether the arrangement is compulsory or voluntary. Therefore I hope, in the interests, not of local authorities and not of the power companies, hut in the interests of consumers as a whole, the Government and the House will insist upon the terms of the 1919 Act and not seek to repeal it.